I am Intelligent/educated, financially disciplined/self-supportive, passionate, spiritual ...looking for same.
We both want a healthy foundation in our relationship... value driven & unconditional!
SOULMATE defined:
Teamwork: Mutual respect... earned and deserved! No game-playing or manipulation... openness.
Honest, forthright and transparent. Both able to talk about weaknesses and be able to work on them in good faith.
...each of us has strengths and we should "synergize." Interdependence. Balance. Passion for life.
Of the same World View:.. spiritual like-mindedness... Loves the Bible and study together or with others.
Enjoys personal growth. Goal-oriented within the relationship, and in life...
Putting effort and concern into our relationship AND life: motivated to succeed...not complacent.
Discerning, but not judgmental. Loving/giving, but not a doormat. Mutuality - submit to one another...(Eph 5:21)
(I'm not into "dominance/submission" stuff AT ALL - we are a team, each with roles helping one another)
Laughs together, and maybe at each other... but never with a mean spirit.
I have several favorite sayings...
1) What's right is not always popular, and what's popular is not always right.
2) What's good for you may not be good for me.
3) I work to live, I do not live to work...(not a work-a-holic)
4) If you resent someone, it's like you drinking poison expecting the other person to die.
5) The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know!
7) Well behaved women seldom make history...

9) Psalms 25:4-5 (GREAT VERSES!) I have them memorized - good for the soul!
Thank you for reading my profile...